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Adolescent nutritionProviding specialized, age-appropriate nutrition care for younger clients is dietitian Taylor's bread and butter. She is incredibly skilled at building trust and rapport with teens and tweens and supports them in creating more peace with food and more confidence in their nutrition knowledge.
Anorexia nervosaDietitians play a crucial role in the multidisciplinary team supporting those with anorexia nervosa. All dietitians in the practice specialize in eating disorders generally and enjoy supporting with those suffering from anorexia to create more balance with food, more peace with eating, and more confidence and trust in the recovery process.
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)Those with ARFID are extremely selective eaters and nutrition and health can suffer as a result. Dietitian Katie excels at supporting clients with ARFID.
Binge eating disorderBinge eating disorder (BED) can be incredibly difficult to work through without the help and support of a specialized dietitian. In addition to a mental health therapist and physician, those with BED receive support from the dietitian in recovery through nutrition therapy, behavior support, and nutrition education. All dietitians in the practice have expertise in BED.
Bulimia nervosaDietitians play a crucial role in the multidisciplinary team supporting those with bulimia nervosa. All dietitians in the practice specialize in eating disorders generally and enjoy supporting with those suffering from bulimia to create more balance with food, more peace with eating, and more confidence and trust in the recovery process.
Chronic dietingMany people go from diet to diet, hoping to create healthy habits and a confident approach to food. It's not uncommon for this cycle to actually lead to poorer health outcomes long-term and a yo-yo effect on nutrition patterns and health generally. There's hope for a better way where you can care about your health without caring too much, a place where you can find more peace and ease with food and take great care of yourself. Dietitian Paige is the chronic dieting specialist.
Chronic illness & nutritionBeing diagnosed with a chronic illness takes a toll on wellbeing in every way possible, often even including your relationship with food. Dietitian Katie loves supporting those with chronic illness to find more peace and ease with food while navigating chronic illness.
DiabetesNutrition does matter with diabetes! But, you don't have to starve yourself or eat foods you don't like. Dietitian Paige has a background in diabetes education and enjoys supporting those with this condition find an approach to food that supports their health in balance with the other facets of life.
Disordered eatingDisordered eating is the gray area—not quite a diagnosed eating disorder, but surely the relationship with food has been damaged. Dietitians can clear up misconceptions, can help create a sense of structure with flexibility around food, and support in creating a more healthy approach to food. All dietitians in the practice have expertise in supporting those who struggle with disordered eating.
Family feeding dynamicsRaising kids is hard! Feeding kids is hard! Dietitians can support parents and caregivers to create systems in their homes that are responsive to kids' needs while honoring their health, ultimately setting kids up for a happy and healthy approach to food long-term.
Food allergies & intolerancesFor those with food allergies or intolerances, a dietitian assists in creating a safe and balanced diet that accommodates dietary restrictions. Dietitian Paige enjoys working with these folks.
Gastrointestinal diseaseA dietitian can help identify trigger foods, help create individualized eating plans, reduce symptoms, and help you gain more trust in food and your body with GI issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron's Disease, or Celiac Disease. Jen and Paige are the experts with GI health.
General nutritionSometimes you just want to talk to someone who has training and expertise in nutrition—someone who can help you wade through all the information out there about nutrition! All dietitians in the practice enjoy meeting with clients who want support with nutrition generally.
Intuitive eatingIntuitive eating is the rejection of punitive diets in favor of a more connected, responsive, and gentle sense of nutrition. It's about connecting with the body rather than fighting against it. And, it actually leads to better health outcomes that fad diets and restriction. All dietitians in the practice are intuitive eating experts and love guiding clients to find a more peaceful, compassionate, positive and health-promoting approach to food.
Life transitionsStarting college is a time of life where food and eating can get tricky. Transitioning away from elite sport or competition is another time where one's relationship with food may be difficult to navigate. Dietitian Taylor enjoys working with those who are looking for support with food during transitions like these.
Migraine disease & nutritionA dietitian can help identify trigger foods, help create individualized eating plans, reduce symptoms, and help you gain more trust in food and your body for those suffering from migraine disease. Dietitian Katie is the expert in nutrition and migraine.
Perimenopause & menopause nutritionPerimenopause and menopause are times of life when everything changes, including one's body and relationship with food. Dietitian Jen enjoys working with women who are navigating these changes and wanting support with separating fact from fiction during a time that can make food and your relationship with it more difficult.
Pregnancy & postpartum nutritionThere are specific nutrition concerns unique to pre-conception, pregnancy, and even postpartum. Dietitians can help moms-to-be to maintain a healthy and adequate eating pattern, to meet specific nutrition needs, and to create and maintain a healthy relationship with food and body image. Dietitian Jen is the expert with this particular time of life.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)PCOS is a common homronal condition that affects women of reproductive age. The condition is so multifaceted and far-reaching and there is a lot of misinformation and confusion about it. Dietitians can help support women with PCOS navigate the food information landscape confidently and can provide evidence-based guidance about nutrition and PCOS. Dietitian Paige is the Positive Nutrition PCOS expert.
Sports & athletic performance nutritionAthletes aiming for optimal performance, recovery, and a healthy relationship with food and exercise can gain valuable insights and support from a dietitian who can support in nutrition for training, competitions, recovery, and an overall healthy and balanced relationship with food and body image in sport. Jen and Taylor have expertise in this facet of nutrition.
Vegetarian & vegan nutritionWhether you're already following or considering a vegetarian or vegan diet, a dietitian ensures you meet your nutritional requirements without any deficiencies. Dietitian Jen is the Positive Nutrition expert in this facet of nutrition.
Supporting parents with kids who have eating disordersLoving someone who suffers from an eating disorder can be confusing, frustrating, and daunting. Dietitian Katie enjoys supporting parents and caregivers to find ways to support their loved ones during this difficult experience.
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