I'm stepping outside the box again on this podcast episode and bringing you another solo recording. Before I recorded last week's episode, I asked my Instagram followers what their questions were about intuitive eating. I got so many questions that I had to record a separate podcast to answer their questions.
Here are some of the questions about intuitive eating that this podcast explores:
What to do if you're bingeing even though you're working on intuitive eating
Tips for teaching teens intuitive eating
How to shift from weight loss as your focus to wellbeing
How to navigate IE with type I diabetes
Where to begin when you're scared about trying this out
Setpoint theory
Raising IE kids
What to do if you are told by a doctor to restrict certain foods or nutrients
How to politely shut down diet talk
How to get past guilt about cravings
How to introduce the concept of IE to newbies
What to do if you don't have hunger cues
How to get other people out of your head who have told you your worth is dependent on the way you look
Why this is SO HARD
Tips for mindfulness during the "free for all phase"
Links mentioned:
Buy the Intuitive Eating book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
Join the waitlist for the 2019 Salt Lake City Body Image Resilience Group
10 days of Intuitive Eating Series on Instagram
Check out the Positive Nutrition blog for more about intuitive eating
Positive Nutrition 101 online course
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