Leslie Schilling, MA, RDN came on the podcast to talk about her book Born to Eat. We talk about Leslie's guiding philosophy that each of us is truly born to eat. We talk about her unique approach to feeding infants that ultimately helps families find a pattern and rythmn with food and eating that promotes body positivity and food peace from the beginning.
In this podcast, we talk about Baby-Led Weaning and self-feeding. We talk about fears and concerns parents have when introducing solids to their infant. We explore the common fear of judgment parents feel when navigating all the complexities of feeding and caring for their child and explore some common mistakes new parents make with feeding their kids.
Leslie's guiding belief with food is that we are all Born to Eat and shares her powerful approach to infant feeding in this podcast episode.
Links mentioned:
Leslie Schilling and Wendy Jo Peterson's book: Born to Eat
Leslie's practice website: https://www.leslieschilling.com/
Free download: 10 Ways Born to Eat Parents Can Support Body Trust in Born to Eat Kids
Positive Nutrition 101 online course officially RELEASED!!!!
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