Dr. Judi-Lee Webb is a licensed psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist who practices in Atlanta, Georgia. She talks in this episode about the importance of representation in the field of eating disorders and talks about how she is passionate about breaking down and ending the stigma related to mental health conditions. She also explains some of the interesting trends she's seeing in her area about who is seeking help from a therapist today, versus who was seeking help at the beginning of her career.
In this episode we discuss the therapy process and the discomfort it can bring. Dr. Webb gives practical advice for how to work through uncomfortable emotions and feelings related to therapy. Reaching out for help sometimes takes years to gear up to, and we talk about how to work through the discomfort before you begin therapy, during therapy and more.
Fear of the unknown is real. Fear of talking about what you're going through is real. But, there are people who are trained to help and ready to support you in healing.
Links mentioned:
Dr. Judi-Lee Webb's private practice website: http://newdirectionsatlanta.com/
Positive Nutrition online course coming soon!
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