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Paige Smathers
Oct 28, 2019
Whether You Know it or Not, You're Likely Making this Mistake with Food
Whether we know it or not, most of us are operating on this premise with food: If I'm just mean enough to myself this time, maybe I'll...

Paige Smathers
Sep 9, 2019
157: Demystifying Gentle Nutrition & Its Role in Intuitive Eating
The last principle of the Intuitive Eating book is "Honor your Health with Gentle Nutrition" and this podcast episode dives into this...

Paige Smathers
Aug 12, 2019
155: "Is it My Fault?"—Tips and Resources for People who Love Someone Struggling with Food
Nutrition Matters Podcast provides many resources and conversations exploring how people can heal from disordered eating and struggles...

Paige Smathers
Aug 5, 2019
Cupcakes Might Be Easier Than Carrots when it come to Food Freedom
When working on food freedom, it's easy to initially understand the need to eat the previously forbidden foods. It makes sense to eat the...

Paige Smathers
Jul 29, 2019
154: Navigating a Vegan Lifestyle while Embracing Intuitive Eating
Are Intuitive Eating and Veganism mutually exclusive philosophies? Taylor Wolfram, RDN and Paige wrestle with this question in this...

Paige Smathers
Jun 17, 2019
How to Measure Progress with Nutrition Beyond Inches and Pounds
Relying on numbers as a barometer for success with your nutrition and eating is tricky business. It's asking for trouble when you step on...

Paige Smathers
May 20, 2019
Why It's Harmful to Equate Thinness with Health
If I could wave my magic wand and change one thing about how people thought about health it would be this. You cannot look at a person...

Paige Smathers
Apr 23, 2019
Anti-Inflammation Hack: Love Yourself
With all the health gurus and influencers promoting hacks for anti-inflammation, this part of the story is really important because...

Paige Smathers
Jan 14, 2019
You're Allowed to Care about your Health
You are allowed to care about your health. You might be thinking umm, yeah, duh and you might read the title of this post and wonder what...

Paige Smathers
Oct 31, 2018
How to Spot a Fad Diet
Diets have evolved through the years. A decade or so ago, you could spot a diet from a mile away with blatant statements of restriction,...

Paige Smathers
Oct 24, 2018
138: Sports Nutrition & How Athletes Can Work with their Bodies
Fiona Sutherland is Director of The Mindful Dietitian & Body Positive Australia and has been practicing for 15 years primarily in the...

Paige Smathers
Sep 5, 2018
131: What It Means to Nourish Yourself Inside & Out
Heidi Schauster, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S just came out with a new book called Nourish: how to heal your relationship with food, body and self...

Paige Smathers
Sep 5, 2018
How to Transition from Tracking Macros to Intuitive Eating
Walking away from tracking macros can be a really scary endeavor. If you're unfamiliar, there are three macronutrients (macros for short)...

Paige Smathers
Jun 6, 2018
118: Exploring Hormonal Health
Hormonal health is a trendy topic right now. But, how can we navigate figuring out what's fact versus fiction when it comes to hormones?...

Paige Smathers
May 30, 2018
117: Is Food Medicine?
Hippocrates famously declared: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." While this sounds nice and seems harmless, there are...

Paige Smathers
May 16, 2018
115: Finding Self-Worth & Identity Beyond Food & Body
Dr. Stephanie Waitt specializes in treating eating disorders at her practice, Texoma Specialty Counseling. In her work, with people she...
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