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Why It's Harmful to Equate Thinness with Health
If I could wave my magic wand and change one thing about how people thought about health it would be this. You cannot look at a person...
Paige Smathers
May 20, 2019

It Doesn't Really Matter What You Eat
It doesn't really matter what you eat. Does that sound crazy? It probably does, and it probably sounds even stranger coming from a...
Paige Smathers
Jan 28, 2019

124: Performative Health vs. Embodied Wellbeing
This podcast episode dives deep into some of the most critical and core concepts within the realm of health and healing. I spoke with Dr....
Paige Smathers
Jul 18, 2018

121: What it's Like to Feel you Don't Fit In with the Non-Diet Message
Have you ever felt like you don't fit in with the non-diet message? Have you ever scratched your head about a post you saw on social...
Paige Smathers
Jun 27, 2018

119: Getting Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable
Dr. Judi-Lee Webb is a licensed psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist who practices in Atlanta, Georgia. She talks in...
Paige Smathers
Jun 13, 2018

118: Exploring Hormonal Health
Hormonal health is a trendy topic right now. But, how can we navigate figuring out what's fact versus fiction when it comes to hormones?...
Paige Smathers
Jun 6, 2018

111: Breaking Down Weight Science
Fiona Willer, AdvAPD is a dietitian and academic who has devoted her career to empower health professionals to adopt weight neutral...
Paige Smathers
Apr 17, 2018

96: How the Challenges of Motherhood can be a Catalyst for Growth & Healing
The shifts in identity, roles, responsibilities and every other aspect of life during motherhood can really throw a person for a loop....
Paige Smathers
Jan 3, 2018

91: Incorporating Intuitive Eating with a Chronic Illness
Tori Smedley is a registered-dietitian-to-be and a University of Utah student pursuing a degree in nutrition. In this podcast, she shares...
Paige Smathers
Nov 29, 2017

79: How Racism and Historical Trauma Manifest Themselves in Struggles with Food and Body Image
Gloria Lucas is a champion for eating disorder awareness and body positivity and the owner and founder of Nalgona Positivity Pride (NPP)....
Paige Smathers
Sep 6, 2017

70: A Discussion Around the Controversy of the Netflix Film 'To The Bone'
Netflix is releasing a film chronicling a woman who is suffering from anorexia nervosa. While the documentary clearly has good...
Paige Smathers
Jun 28, 2017

66: Triggers—Sensitivity without Censoring
We live in a world saturated with information. More than ever, podcasts, blogs and social media have exposed each of us to more...
Paige Smathers
May 24, 2017

45: A Personal Story of How a Perceived Gluten Sensitivity Masked an Eating Disorder
Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN is a registered dietitian and journalist who specializes in HAES and intuitive eating. She does such...
Paige Smathers
Sep 6, 2016

Top 6 Myths of Intuitive Eating Debunked
If you’ve ever experienced the yo-yo effect diets have emotionally and physically, you might have looked into an idea called intuitive...
Paige Smathers
Aug 17, 2016

41: Health at Every Size & the Fat Acceptance Movement
A growing trans-disciplinary movement called Health at Every Size (HAES) shifts the focus from weight management to health promotion. The...
Paige Smathers
Aug 1, 2016

37: Ways to Work Through Problematic Self-Talk
Episode 8 in the Body Image Series on NMP is all about how to develop positive self-talk. So often, one negative thought leads to a...
Paige Smathers
Jul 1, 2016
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