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Paige Smathers
Apr 17, 2018
111: Breaking Down Weight Science
Fiona Willer, AdvAPD is a dietitian and academic who has devoted her career to empower health professionals to adopt weight neutral...

Paige Smathers
Nov 29, 2017
91: Incorporating Intuitive Eating with a Chronic Illness
Tori Smedley is a registered-dietitian-to-be and a University of Utah student pursuing a degree in nutrition. In this podcast, she shares...

Paige Smathers
Nov 22, 2017
90: Exploring Normal Eating
It's that time of year! I wanted to publish this conversation right before the holiday season because the end of the year tends to bring...

Paige Smathers
Aug 30, 2017
What Canning Peaches Taught Me About Food
Years ago, my then 90-year-old grandma taught me how to can peaches. We spent hours in the kitchen together, peeling, cutting, measuring,...

Paige Smathers
Aug 15, 2017
76: What it's Really Like to be a Healthy Living Blogger
"Food was such an obsession...I was definitely on the spectrum of orthorexia. I was obsessed with healthy eating." Alexis Joseph is a...

Paige Smathers
Jul 28, 2017
What Does the Word Healthy Actually Mean?
The term "healthy" in the nutrition world has, in many cases, come to be a euphemism for morality with food. You're "good" if you eat...

Paige Smathers
Jul 20, 2017
73: "What the Health" Review
The newest documentary stirring up all kinds of controversy in the nutrition and health world is "What the Health". After getting...

Paige Smathers
Jul 19, 2017
The Problems with Elimination Diets
If you've lived long enough, you've seen the trends come and go in the dieting world. One minute fat is bad and the next it's carbs or...

Paige Smathers
May 10, 2017
How to Make Healthy Eating Realistic and Sustainable
In the pursuit of health, many people find themselves oscillating between extremes. One minute you’re eating salads and quinoa bowls and...

Paige Smathers
Jan 18, 2017
There's Power in DOING
The other day, I sat in a room full of women talking about their vulnerabilities and struggles with body image. As one wise woman shared...

Paige Smathers
Aug 1, 2016
41: Health at Every Size & the Fat Acceptance Movement
A growing trans-disciplinary movement called Health at Every Size (HAES) shifts the focus from weight management to health promotion. The...

Paige Smathers
Jul 27, 2016
40: Should I Be Worried About Developing Diabetes?
Melissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RDN, CDE is an award winning, nationally recognized food and nutrition expert, media spokesperson, speaker,...
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