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182: Goodbye — context, thank you, parting advice and some social commentary
After 5 1/2 years, I'm ending the podcast! It's been so rewarding to put this podcast on, but the time has come for me to move on. This...
Paige Smathers
Nov 25, 2020

181: Intuitive Exercise & How to Train Happy
"If exercise had zero impact on your weight and appearance, would you still work out? If you answered 'yes', would you work out...
Paige Smathers
Aug 31, 2020

180: Eating Disorders & the Higher Level of Care
In this episode, Paige and Amy Hanneke discuss the higher level of care for eating disorders: how to know if it's the right choice for...
Paige Smathers
Aug 17, 2020

179: Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch on Intuitive Eating Fourth Edition
Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch, authors of the revolutionary book Intuitive Eating, join Paige to talk about the newest edition of the...
Paige Smathers
Aug 3, 2020

178: Rest, Play, Humor & our Health
Shana Spence joins Paige to talk about the importance of challenging productivity beliefs and embracing rest, play, creativity and humor...
Paige Smathers
Jul 20, 2020

177: What to Do if You're Afraid of Food
Amee Severson joins Paige to talk about her own history of fearing food and explains how she worked through it.
Paige Smathers
Jul 6, 2020

176: Menopause—Weight, Health, Changing Bodies and Eating Disorders in ages 50+
Erica Leon is a registered dietitian who is passionate about speaking up about the changes that occur with bodies, weight, food,...
Paige Smathers
Jun 22, 2020

175: Exploring what Healthy Really Means and Reclaiming it for Good
The word 'healthy' gets thrown around all the time, but what does it actually mean? And, is the concept actually helpful for us? Meghan...
Paige Smathers
Jun 8, 2020

174: Pregnancy & Postpartum Body Image
Catie Lynch Shockey, LCSW is an eating disorder and body image therapist located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She is a licensed clinical...
Paige Smathers
May 25, 2020

173: Finding Your Authentic Voice in Challenging Diet Culture
Cara Harbstreet is a Kansas City based Intuitive Eating Registered Dietitian and nationally-recognized food and nutrition expert, author,...
Paige Smathers
May 11, 2020

172: Medical Nutrition Therapy & Intuitive Eating: How Nutrition Improves with Connection & Kindness
Kirsten Ackerman is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Registered Dietitian and proud anti-diet advocate. During the day, Kirsten...
Paige Smathers
Apr 27, 2020

171: Fat-Phobia in the Eating Disorder Treatment Community
Shira Rosenbluth, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker in New York City. She has a passion for helping people feel their best in...
Paige Smathers
Apr 13, 2020

170: Navigating our New Normal—Adjusting to Social Distancing
In this episode, Paige and Shannon Ricks, LMFT discuss common themes that are coming up with their clients going adjusting to the pandemic.
Paige Smathers
Apr 6, 2020

169: Ditching Diets and Practicing Body Acceptance in the Latina Community
Become a supporter of the podcast for $5/month and receive exclusive access to monthly Q&A episodes, guided meditations about food and...
Paige Smathers
Mar 30, 2020

Coronavirus Thoughts — What a Year this Week has Been
Hi Friends! I'm coming to you again this week as a human (read: not an expert) with some thoughts about the coronavirus pandemic. Many of...
Paige Smathers
Mar 23, 2020

168: The Role of Intention, Flexibility, & Self-Compassion in Gentle Nutrition
Become a supporter of the podcast for $5/month and receive exclusive access to monthly Q&A episodes, guided meditations about food and...
Paige Smathers
Mar 16, 2020

We're in this Together — Mindset & Practical Ideas for Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hi Friends, I want to use my platform for good. I wanted to provide some thoughts and resources during this time. In this episode,...
Paige Smathers
Mar 15, 2020

167: Intuitive Eating and Weight-Inclusive Care in Black Communities
Become a supporter of the podcast for $5/month and receive exclusive access to monthly Q&A episodes, guided meditations about food and...
Paige Smathers
Mar 2, 2020

166: Shame Spirals & Wounded Healers
Become a supporter of the podcast for $5/month and receive exclusive access to monthly Q&A episodes, guided meditations about food and...
Paige Smathers
Feb 17, 2020

165: What One Doctor Wished Every Doctor Knew About their Patients with Eating Disorders
Become a supporter of the podcast for $5/month and receive exclusive access to monthly Q&A episodes, guided meditations about food and...
Paige Smathers
Feb 3, 2020
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